
Garden Song

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Ten Men

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St. Annes Reel

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Girl From The North Country

Ten Men @ The Gracie in Bangor, ME

Garden Song

Performed 1993 with Mark O’Connor, Jerry Douglas, Brent Mason, Glen Worf, and Harry Stinson

Ballad of St Anne’s Reel

This Town Music Video

A Sit Down with David Mallett

57 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Bill Hall
    May 16, 2010 @ 17:46:11

    If you sit back with a nice glass of cabernet and watch this wonderful video you will be the closest to being at one of Dave’s concerts as you can get! Wow what a beautifullly performed and recorded concert by Dave and the band! Love it!

  2. John Skadden
    Jul 07, 2010 @ 17:09:35

    Just found out about the dvd and have ordered a copy. Dave doesn’t get to northern California very often so the dvd will have to do. Looking forward to the November date in Carmel; hope it’s not a private party. Please book something in the San Francisco bay area. How about the Freight and Salvage in Berkeley!?!?! It’s a great venue.

  3. Francis Young
    Aug 02, 2010 @ 00:19:33

    We sure need to hear David in the Fall here in Denver.

    Please come to Denver before the snowfall, David! The Folklore center here’ll take ya in warmly!

    Always hopeful!

    Frank Young,
    Wheat Ridge, Colorado

  4. Shirley Ruksznis
    Sep 13, 2010 @ 07:57:51

    I was very pleased to have an opportunity to watch these great videos–being down in Georgia has it’s draw-backs.. thank you Dave!! Shirley

  5. joan robertson
    Dec 11, 2010 @ 20:44:11

    Really enjoyed you, 1st for me and saw you on PBS, very nice tone and relaxing, especially in these times!!! thank u joan r

  6. Keith T. Hall
    Dec 14, 2010 @ 20:45:51

    Great job at the Iron Horse Dave! Nice talking to you before the show!

  7. Roger Kopman
    Jan 03, 2011 @ 12:50:35

    I echo the Denver sentiments. Dave’s got a lot of fans out west.

    Maybe a western tour in 2012? Please

  8. Thomas Fogerty
    Jan 18, 2011 @ 11:36:52

    Dave, I was turned onto your music last year. I really enjoy it. I can relate to it coming from the woods of Northern Wisconsin. I am so glad that there are such wonderful singer songwriters out and about.

    Lac Courte Orillies Convention center would be glad to see you come! They are located in Hayward Wisconsin.

  9. B Callahan
    Feb 02, 2011 @ 11:13:07

    Its snowing, everything is shut down, and Alright Now is cranked up on the sterio. Ten Men ( or the Dr.
    Suess version…ten cats in black hats) is a great tune. Thanks Dave for a lifetime of great music.You have always brought a smile to my face and conjured up images of love, life, and far away places. Thanks again.

  10. Ken Leeman
    Feb 09, 2011 @ 22:16:30

    Dave, have been seeing you for over 20 years now. I bet 25 plus times. So much you recognized us for awhile. Best memory is “I Wish I Were A Horse” waaay back at the Left Bank in Blue Hill cos I’m a fast finger picker and I was ecstatic to see you FLATPICK this tune! Blew us away! You are soul deep to me. Thanks man. See ya at the Chocolate Church.

  11. Larry Gilman
    Feb 14, 2011 @ 16:40:31

    Amen to Ken Leeman’s words above. First saw you at the Music Ark in Bar Harbor back in the late 70s, just about when your first album was coming out — I was in high school — and I’ve been listening steadily ever since. Anyway: thanks. Always thanks.

    Oh — and PS, kudos on the Thoreau album. I’m huge on Thoreau, and you got me to go back and re-read the Maine book. Passages wisely chosen, music beautifully done, readings perfect. If I think about it I can get homesick for those deep Maine places just sitting here . . .

  12. Tom Harvey
    Mar 08, 2011 @ 17:39:34


    Seems that I lose touch with your music for a few years and then get reintroduced – like today when I stumbled onto your website after checking out the Mallet Bros. Band that I’ve been hearing about on FB. Once I turned on the PBS recording work stopped and I sat back and watched the whole kit-n’-kaboddle. A nice end to my work day! Ten Men in Black Hats!! If Johnny Cash were alive today he’d record it in a second. What a great song. I look forward to getting the the ‘new’ record and catching you again in person soon. Time for another gig on Boston’s North Shore.

  13. Carol Gurganus
    Mar 26, 2011 @ 23:46:20

    Dave, Just listened to folk music on NC’s PBS. It brought back memories from late 70′s, early 80′s when we saw you in a record shop and at Old Dominion University. The days of PA Sunrise and Vital Signs. Found you on the web and am so excited that you are doing so well. Thoroughly enjoyed the video from MPBS and now must purchase CD’s as I only have records. How about a concert in Raleigh or Wilmington, NC. Thank you for your wonderful music.

  14. Kevin W. La Due
    Jun 09, 2011 @ 08:02:50

    Mr. Mallett:
    You are a wildly talented songwriter and an sincere, inviting performer. I want to thank you for so many songs and so many years of emtertainment. Since seeing you in Walton , NY I have begun to play several of your songs and cherish them in my repertoire. I hope you get back to central New York again someday soon.

  15. Malcolm Ball
    Aug 26, 2011 @ 00:24:46

    Would be great to see you here in Austin Dave, we can only hope. Long time fan here, you have inspired me after 25 years to get off my butt and start playing again. Just ordered another CD of yours, can’t wait to hear it. Thanks again for all the great tunes and good feelings they inspire.

  16. Gina Child
    Aug 28, 2011 @ 14:22:01

    I put in a Dave Mallett CD and get in my car and just ride listening to his amazing voice and absolutely beautiful songs. He is every bit as good as any artist I have ever heard and his music makes you “feel.” I love it!

  17. Paul Martin
    Aug 30, 2011 @ 19:56:38

    Listening to all your videos David. I hope you have some playing dates in Dec this year when I will make it to NE ( VT, but will travel ) thanks for it all, Paul

  18. Thom Clark
    Sep 16, 2011 @ 11:32:19

    Hey David, any chance of getting reprints of your songbook…or for us who love your music and like to play could get access to
    your music…lyrics and chords, etc.

  19. Jeff Popp
    Sep 27, 2011 @ 16:17:49

    We are all waiting for Dave to return to Seattle. His visits here are far too infrequent.

  20. Ethel Jalbert
    Oct 20, 2011 @ 19:31:36

    I bought a handful of CD’s after hearing you in Ft. Kent. Heard you briefly that evening but have been listening to you ever since. Every day! I never get tired of your sound, love the instrumentation and your beautiful rich voice. Hope to see you live again!

  21. Graham Nye
    Dec 19, 2011 @ 09:04:27


    I have been a fan since we sponsored you in Calais in the late ’70′s. Your music touches the listener and the words convey wonderful stories. I hope that people will continually learn of your music. We see you when ever you come to southern NE.

  22. Paul Hansen
    Dec 20, 2011 @ 15:56:56

    David Mallett writes songs for my heart. I hope he makes it out to Utah one of these days. Merry Christmas Dave. Your music has been my gift all year long this year. We are the same age and “We are just good old boys strummin’ our toys to sing a little memory.”

  23. Jim Shivers
    Dec 29, 2011 @ 13:38:14

    Please, please, please come to Dallas!!

  24. Art Ross
    Feb 13, 2012 @ 16:11:54

    More than 50 years ago, I spent part of my summers at Lake Sebec in Maine and loved every quiet moment. For many years now I have had the pleasure of bringing the simple joys of that place, Maine, and the good folks of this world into my home through Dave’s music. We’ve also been charmed by his concerts in Damariscotta, Camden, and a couple of other venues. Sing on, Dave! “I love you, and I like this place, and, oh, I love these times…”.

  25. Alyson Ober
    Feb 14, 2012 @ 10:58:29

    I have been going to see Dave for more than 25 years now and love all his music! Dave, please come back to the Boston area so I can hear you again!!

  26. Colin Pitts
    Feb 23, 2012 @ 09:57:46

    I have recently “discovered” you on You Tube etc and I really love your songs and the way you present them. You have a wonderful knack of just picking up on small everyday things that are the real stories in peoples lives. Thank you. I hope you don’t mind but I also write and perform songs in the Midlands area of England and I have begun singing “Innocent Time” which I have to tell you is very well received.(I always say who wrote it) Do you ever perform in the UK? I would love to see you live.
    Cheers Colin

  27. Mark Casey
    Nov 02, 2012 @ 14:16:36

    It’s nice to discover that you’ll be out to Oregon soon! In the meantime we’ll be lobbying the folks at Portland’s Alberta Rose Theatre and the Astoria Fisher Poets Gathering that you ought to be invited.After all, if John McCutcheon and Gordon Bok can draw a crowd then you will have ‘em lined up down the street…Keep up the good work and beautiful music.

  28. Bill Edmonds
    Nov 26, 2012 @ 18:11:13

    Through the years I have enjoyed Dave Mallett’s music. I have had the pleasure of seeing him in person only once. “Alright Now” and “In the Falling Dark” are great cds — worthy of Grammys. Wish “Vital Signs” was still available. Thanks for the great music.

  29. Ken Lipshez
    Dec 04, 2012 @ 17:32:31

    The question that keeps invading my mind is, “How is it that until Dec. 1, 2012 at Roaring Brook in Canton, CT, I had never heard the music of David Mallett?” but what’s the sense in grilling myself over past indiscretions. I’ll bet my wife and I locked eyes a dozen times as David sang lyrics that hit us so close to where we live. Many times, I’ve walked out of a Roaring Brook concert with a new CD for my collection. Last Saturday, I walked out with three. Like I told David as I left, I think the evening has changed my life. As I look back on it less than a week later, I know it has.

  30. Jill Martin
    Feb 05, 2013 @ 12:56:23

    Listening to Dave’s music I am struck by one reoccurring thought: how is it that so much talent can be wrapped up in one individual? Dave’s lyrics are so succinct, yet powerful, his melodies are always so very appealing, never boring, his guitar and harmonica playing absolutely masterful, and his voice has a wonderful timber and resonance that only seems to get better with time. And, no matter how often I hear certain verses of particular songs I am invariably moved to tears listening to such exquisite craftsmanship. To me Dave’s music is an absolutely grounding gift — a rare, clear, jewel in the clutter of today’s world.

  31. Ken Lipshez
    Jun 30, 2013 @ 14:06:19

    The fading sunset of a perfect day in late June gleamed through the windows in the basement hall of the Morris (CT) Library as Dave and Mike tuned it up. Those familiar with the music sang along on cue. Those seeing them for the first time must have wondered why this humble setting wasn’t overflowing with music lovers. We’re glad that Dave and Mike enjoyed the setting and responded to some great requests from his 40-year repertoire. It was one of those shows that will resonate in my heart and mind until I draw my final breath.

  32. Maura
    Aug 22, 2013 @ 23:49:26

    What I will never understand is why Dave Mallett’s music isn’t mainstream. Begs the question for another day.

    Just sat quietly and listened to the disc Twain: Boyhood Home. Really nice and well done, with a lot of artists we all know.
    But what about The Fable True that Mallett produced about Thoreau’s life? Mallett pretty much does this single handily. A pure pleasure. So much talent.

  33. Michael Evans
    Oct 15, 2013 @ 21:44:58

    My wife and I have loved David’s music for decades. We just heard him in Belfast, Maine–our new home–and we greatly enjoyed listening to his songs and stories in the cool of a coastal night. David sang a song I hadn’t heard before, with “don’t cry, don’t cry” in the chorus, and it took my breath away. I’m searching to find the title and lyrics to that song, because they spoke to me so intensely. Thank you, David, for all you do.

  34. Kate Jones
    Oct 26, 2013 @ 17:15:32

    Dave’s music always brings me back to the heart of Maine and the people I know and love. His tunes are from the soul and portray for me what “good people” are all about. Keep writing, Dave, and keep singing your songs. They make me centered and bring back to me the people I dearly miss.

  35. Jeff Korkola
    Nov 13, 2013 @ 20:11:23

    i just tripped over this site from some Red Shea clip I was watching and wow. This is why youtube is soooo great. You are such a gifted artist. i have heard the Garden Song in my youth, but had long forgotten it. So glad to be reminded – and introduced to its creator. All the best to you and yours, Mr. Mallett. Hope you can make it north to Thunder Bay sometime soon, Jeff

  36. Charles Ullian
    Jan 27, 2014 @ 12:50:57

    For me, you have been a life altering experience David. The gratitude I feel in my heart for having crossed your path, I can not reduce to words. You fill a place in my life as meaningful as the love I have for my children. Thanks for another wonderful day at Olivia’s. I’m looking forward, with great excitement, to your return next January. Thanks for singing ‘Hungry for Love’. You bring us what it is we’re hungry for David, and we see the best of ourselves in you.

  37. Terry Davis
    Feb 17, 2014 @ 19:55:36

    How can I have gone this long only hearing David’s songs by others? DonnaLynn and I heard David when he headlined Portland’s Winterfolk concert earlier this month. He blew our socks off. (I’m still looking for mine.) Absolutely some of the best songs ever, and what a wonderful, mellow voice – goes to your heart like an old friend. We bought every CD available at the concert, and we’ve shared songs with every guest in our house since the concert. We look forward to his next visit to the Northwest – or anywhere we can get to. Thank you!

  38. Lynn MacDonald
    Mar 01, 2014 @ 17:51:02

    Listening to Dave Mallett over and over again……his music touches my soul like none other…it’s moving….eternal. I saw Dave over 10 years ago in concert and instantly was hooked…now, I’ve seen him many times and will continue……I have a few pics with this guy!! And an autograph…. Never, have I wanted another autograph…but he’s the real deal. The emotions I experience while listening to him take me other places…..never, ever will I tire from listening to this man!! The best!! Looking forward to my next concert…coming up in May : )

  39. John Mosson
    Mar 10, 2014 @ 04:16:29

    It’s great to find you online Dave. I saw you at one of your live performances at Barrow-In-Furness in the UK 2002(?) and have been fan ever since. Your an inspiration to many! Thanks for the songs, tunes & the music. John

  40. Jan Gembol
    Mar 23, 2014 @ 11:34:54

    I love your music and your performances. I listen to your songs everyday, either in real life or in my head (your songs create the most wonderful ear worms).

    I would really like to learn what songs have been recorded by other artists (other than Garden Song). I have been searching the internet to find out who has recorded which song. I find a list of artists who have recorded your music, but not what they have recorded. How can I find this information?

    Thanks so much for your music.

  41. Susanne Meis
    Apr 03, 2014 @ 16:37:07

    I am a German holistic dance teacher living in London. Today I danced with my class to your Garden Song, which I only discovered yesterday when looking for Spring themed songs for my class. I love your voice and I have rarely heard a man sing with such gentleness. Beautiful lyrics. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift.

  42. Tim Cavileer
    Jul 14, 2014 @ 13:54:40

    Do these ever take me back to my undergraduate days at the University of Maine at Orono and seeing Dave in concert! Good times, good friends and good music. Thanks, Dave! Tim (UMO ’82)

  43. Mary
    Jul 27, 2014 @ 12:23:49

    David, I first heard your rich, golden voice on a public radio station broadcast coming from Salisbury University on the Eastern Shore of Maryland over 30 years ago. I listened to that program every Saturday evening when possible. The program was called JUST FOLKS. I have been a huge fan ever since. Had the wonderful opportunity this past Spring, to hear you live at a concert held in a church in Alexandria, Virginia. What a beautiful performance. Never do I tire of your music. Your music touches the hearts and lives of us all deeply. I love your harmonica – my Grandfather played it as well. Hoping you can come down south to entertain us again. The Birchmere in Alexandria, the Rams Head in Annapolis, the Barns of Wolf Trap in Vienna, Virginia all would welcome such a fine artist as yourself. Please come back this way when you can. All the best to you.

  44. Janet Stebbins
    Nov 01, 2014 @ 16:52:46

    Forty years ago this month I first saw you
    at the coffeehouse on the edge of campus
    on the make-shift stage with your guitar
    and mug of tea and lyrics which convinced
    me that I really would be all right in the end.
    Your hair back then was all dark – mine too,
    and your voice was strong and fine. You sang
    from your soul and did not notice me or the
    others who would be drawn at week’s end.
    But we knew you would croon the tunes to make
    the week’s woes walk, and here tonight, you still do.

  45. Meghan Wakefield
    Nov 07, 2016 @ 23:05:50

    Have enjoyed listening to David mallet since I first moved to Maine in the mid-80s. But my favorite song will always remain vital signs. I keep hoping he’s going to put it on a new album ( it’s only available on cassette)
    Please don’t change it, it’s lovely just as it is!!) is

  46. Janet walker
    Dec 26, 2016 @ 12:04:00

    I have been listening to your song You Deserve The Best. It’s filled with beautiful, meaningful lyrics ,beautiful melody and instrumentals. I keep listening to it over and over. It is my 2017 New Years message for all of us worldwide . Thank you for your amazing gift of writing and music that you share with us. You impact our lives!

  47. Kevin Lynch
    Jan 15, 2017 @ 16:11:39

    Well, Dave.

    Back when we would meet up in New England in the 1980s-2000s, I always wanted to tell you how badly I wanted to be part of your touring unit. Your music just always made me — still makes me — want to play the best backup ever to your melodies and flowing lines.

    One time, when we were sitting in someone’s van with the A/C on at a folk fest in East Hartland, CT in 104 degree heat, I came very close to telling you how much I loved your music. How I wanted to play for you. But I chickened out and drove you right up to the stage for your set and said goodbye until the next time.

    So, now, here you are still writing, singing and performing. I’m only occasionally performing anymore; just short tours and easy gigs. Moved to the Netherlands in 2008. Just heard your new CD “Greenin’ Up”. It’s killer.

    Anyway, now that we’re officially in our ‘old ages’, I regret having never pumped you up and try to get a seat to your stage left or right. Stay healthy and keep telling the stories. Some day those folks in our music world with their heads in the sand will realize your contributions, which are many, and recognize you for it all.

  48. Ginger Fitzgerald
    Feb 19, 2017 @ 15:31:13

    I don’t know, Dave, it’s that kind of Sunday afternoon when I just had to have me some David Mallett music. Now that I’ve listened to these few, I’ll go put one of your CDs on (and maybe dance while I dust around the house!). Love your music, man!!!

  49. Maloney
    Mar 16, 2017 @ 12:02:00

    David, old friend,
    You were in my last dream before awakening today…singing on stage with 3 others around you. You were wearing a sparkly green sports jacket looking confident and singing with your enduring conviction. I’ve had you in my being this morning, now that I’m beginning my day, and feeling grateful for your creativity and friendship. I went to your website for the first time and listened to your song “Celebration”…a truly riviting video and those 3 beautiful grown children must certianly be among your greatest blessings.
    all good thoughts,
    ~ David

  50. Joe Valliant
    May 21, 2017 @ 16:59:09

    I was introduced to David Mallett in 1982 by my late wife, Niki Scott, to whom the music he made spoke the truth, love and a sense of belonging she sought all her life. She and I became a couple in 1982 and David Mallett’s music was part of our coming together. She died on a beautiful Maine spring afternoon thirty years later. When I listen to David Mallett’s music, especially to the songs from those days, her memory, which is evergreen with me, is evoked most strongly. Her life was one one of struggle, but it was also joyous, mostly because she willed it to be, but partly because it had music in it, particularly David Mallett’s. Mr. Mallett is a fine artist, and in his own special way, a force for good. I am happy to know he is still writing, still performing and, so far as I can tell, still has a great deal to sing.
    With love and admiration, Joe Valliant

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